What does üm•nitza mean?
It’s a word that has many meanings dependent on situations, intonations, and timing. In generic terms, it means clever, intuitively smart, sharp-witted, and good job. It’s origin is Russian and can be used in a variety of situations
About üm•nitza inc.,
üm•nitza inc.,"s commitment to service doesn"t stop at the highest quality BMW aftermarket parts and services available. We empower all automotive enthusiasts with the knowledge that they are getting the best possible products, engineered to the highest standards, and service second to none. Read on to see how we fulfill our Mission Statement everyday.
Mission Statement
We are committed to improving overall service quality to the aftermarket automotive community and providing products that fulfill a need or desire for the BMW, Lexus, and other enthusiast automotive markets.
üm•nitza inc., is equally dedicated to:
Supporting customers, distributors, certified installers, and retailers anytime, anywhere
Providing free and updated technical videos and documentation to the aforementioned constituents
Offering quality products at reasonable prices
Providing exceptional customer service anytime, anywhere, to anyone
Contributing to increased knowledge of the aftermarket communities through our service and participation in local, regional, national, and international events
Enhancing the comfort level of each potential buyer
Our Ethics
Everything we do at üm•nitza inc., stems from the belief that our company can be successful and serve the aftermarket community well. At the root of our mission is our desire to improve the aftermarket modification environment for our customers and provide improved levels of information regarding all products and services.
We believe that the way we do business with our suppliers ultimately affects our customer. That’s why we nurture long-term relationships with our suppliers. The resulting mutual trust and respect contributes to the production of a quality parts and supplies. Several of our suppliers are family-owned businesses, and we strive to work with suppliers who have a sincere interest in creating quality products. While we are always pushing to extend the status quo, it is never to the detriment of these hard-earned relationships.
We take care in choosing quality and value above all else that’s why in 2001, 2002, and 2003 over 91 percent of our products were manufactured in the United States. We affect design changes that result in a greater quality product you can count on to last for many years.